Due diligence (#EUDR) requirements for operators in the regulation on deforestation-free products shall apply as of 30/12/2024!
A lot of work still needs to be done by the authorities and the supply chains to assure a timely and successful implementation.
The #EuropeanMargarinesector (#IMACE) calls for optimal collaboration within the entire palm oil 🌴 and soy supply chain 🫘 to align on clear sector guidance and implementation as no further EC guidance on the implementation is expected.
Upfield, CSM Ingredients, Vandemoortele, Puratos, Levo, Royal Smilde, Minerva Foods, Vortella Lebensmittelwerk GmbH, ROYALE LACROIX S.A., Dragsbæk A/S, SENNA Nahrungsmittel GmbH & Co KG, Mills AS,
FEDIOL, Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), MVO, CAOBISCO, FEFFAC, BASP, FoodDrinkEurope, FEDIMA - European bakery and pastry ingredients manufacturers
